The Second Judicial Circuit recently participated in a statewide initiative sponsored by the Illinois Judges Association and the Conference of Chief Judges to help local schools, students, and community organizations prepare for success in the 2022-23 school year by donating school supplies to students throughout the Circuit.
Second Circuit Chief Judge Melissa Morgan and Circuit Judge Matthew Hartrich met with Michele Plunk, Lead Family Contact with the Egyptian Health Department Child and Adolescent Division that services the Second Circuit counties of Gallatin, White, Hamilton, and Wayne on August 10, to deliver school supplies that will be donated to families across the region.
Chief Judge Morgan stated, “The Second Circuit Judges are proud to partner in this venture with Egyptian Health. We are grateful for the vital services they provide to our communities and we are happy to assist them in their outreach to families throughout our Circuit. As a presiding judge in juvenile court, I see firsthand the struggles our children face when they are not prepared for school. My colleagues and I are honored to participate in this initiative to provide school supplies to local students and we are happy to join forces with others who encourage and support our children in their educational pursuits.” Judge Hartrich added, “A good education benefits the future prospects of all juveniles. The Judges of the Second Circuit are excited to do our small part to further the education of our youth.”
Egyptian Health Lead Family Contact, Michele Plunk who supervises the Family Resource Developers who work at various schools throughout the region stated, “During these challenging financial times, we are grateful that the second judicial circuit court has reached out to assist us in providing much needed school supplies to help lessen the financial burden for some of the families we serve. No child should have to worry about having items necessary for their educational success… And with this partnership, we can help these children return to school with confidence.”